I was running the cash till at the annual Boy Scout fundraiser yard sale yesterday, wearing my finest Boy Scout t-shirt and enjoying the blistering heat, when I saw a local family of witnesses browsing the merchandise. They studiously avoided looking at me, but eventually a bargain nightgown proved irresistable and the wife was forced to approach the cash table and ask about pricing. We avoid putting prices on each item because there is just too much stuff and we remind everyone that the money sends the kids to summer camp so the guilt kicks in and people pay more. Anyway, Sister Bargain Hunter asked the price and I advised her that it was $1, which she paid and off she went. After she left, I told the other ladies sitting with me that Sister Bargain Hunter had once been one of my closest friends, but since I stopped attending the meetings, she no longer would associate with me. They were all appropriately puzzled and asked if we had argued - I explained that the simple fact that I don't attend meetings has marked me as a dirty apostate and that's all that's needed to shun me. Lovely little reverse witness given that afternoon I think.